Friday, April 06, 2007

Città del Vaticano

can u walk a country in a day? i DID.. i walked the vatican city in half a day. it's the smallest independent nation in the world. it's territory consists of a walled enclave within the city of rome. there wasnt much to say as we only spent half a day here.

1. we actually wanted to visit the vatican a day before but the queue stretched almost 2km. we came back early the next day to beat the queue; about 8am.

2. there were so many paintings, on the walls and ceilings. there were so much to see on the ceilings till my neck ached. so many statues, tooo.. left and right..

3. i finally found an english spoken tour guide in saint peter. so i tried to eavesdrop on her introducing the saint peter. karen misunderstood me for checking girls out and sounded me. poor sern wei was innocent. *i'm innocent #2*

inside saint peter

p/s: come to think about it, this is the only place where karen's poo radar didnt work. ;)

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